I've never met a person that thinks it's okay and classy to come to someone's home just to talk trash about it.
Season 2
Weekly Blog
Real Housewives of Potomac, Weekly Blog
Your Questions, My Answers.
Let's Dish!
Get The Look
S2-E12: Home Is Where The Truth Is
We’ll be having champagne gatherings in her champagne room weekly as long as I can bring my red wine!
S2-E11: The Grand Dame Sham
Karen’s secrecy when it comes to her move is still a mystery to me.
S2-E10: Welcome to the Bermuda Triangle
She, nor anyone else, can separate my marriage.
S2-E09: A Host of Issues
I actually did Gizelle a favor by not inviting her
S2-E08: War of the Darbys
It's not easy working with your spouse
S2-E07: Over the River and Thru the Woods
My intention was to exchange numbers and set a meeting so that I could talk about the entire game night situation like grown women.
S2-E06: Messy Games
Out of respect for my husband, I deal with my mother-in-law. I do not have to deal with Gizelle.
S2-E05: Kick the Trick Out
One thing you won’t ever do is disrespect me in my own home
S2-E04: Mother Knows Best
I’m not going to stop being me just because some women are insecure with themselves