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For Candiace to say I was referring to Katie’s looks is a totally different interpretation of the actual conversation we had.
Your Rainbow Party was a beautiful event and it was a huge success. Did it feel like a healing experience?
Monique Samuels: The Rainbow Party was definitely a healing experience for me and helped me to close one chapter while preparing for the next. Pregnancy after experiencing a miscarriage can cause you to focus on the fear versus the blessing you’re carrying. I’m grateful for my family and friends who were there for me and my husband and the encouragement received from so many who were once in our shoes.
What was going through your head when your mother-in-law asked to say something? What were you feeling when she apologized?
MS: I was very nervous when my mother-in-law asked to speak because I didn’t want anything to take away from the message of the Rainbow Party. I wanted to maintain a spirit of positivity and didn’t want anyone to ruin that. I was very shocked and grateful for her apology. It was the first step in the right direction after years of unnecessary drama.
We see Candiace tell Gizelle some comments you made about Katie, making a reference to “Amistad”. Do you want to clarify what you meant when you made those comments?
MS: Candiace totally twisted what I said when I made the comments about Katie. It was apparent I was speaking about Katie’s spirit and compared her free spirit to a line we all know well from the movie Amistad. What I said was, “She is a free spirit, like Ashley on steroids. She went from prim and proper to an Amistad ‘give us free’ type of spirit.” For Candiace to say I was referring to Katie’s looks is a totally different interpretation of the actual conversation we had. Candiace must’ve felt as though Katie looked like someone from Amistad and projected her thoughts and feelings on to me. She’s been doing this a lot lately (projecting her issues on to others). I was very disappointed to see my “friend” discussing me with someone she knows I don’t get along with and have been actively trying to move forward with. The whole conversation was very messy.