Not For Lazy Moms
We Want It All. We Do It All.
A Community of New Generation Moms
Monique Samuels, Founder
What mom is lazy? Being a mother is one of the most challenging, yet fulfilling jobs you can ever experience. It requires wearing several hats and using several hands to multitask and get the jobs done.
Not For Lazy Moms is a community of resourceful women who are determined to accomplish their goals and dedicated to helping one another succeed. Through the strength of this common bond, Not For Lazy Moms will grow into a global network of contributors who share stories about overcoming obstacles in life, open up about challenges, and share ideas and advice. We are not experts, we are real women who want it all, and do it all. Not For Lazy Moms is a community that you can depend on for support as you search for answers on your journey to live a healthy and happy life.